Face is very important for a woman. When somebody wants to give woman a compliment, he talks about radiant youth, silky and delicate skin. However, after 30 years, not everyone can boast of flawless eyelids, perfect color of the forehead and the T-shaped zone, and often the cause is health problems and illiterate care. Why not choose creams on the advice of girlfriends, in which cases it is possible to make beauty shots even at a young age and why do men age much more slowly than women?
Leather is not only our beauty. It performs many functions: barrier, hormonal, and UV protection. The latter is very important, because it is, in fact, our first wrinkles, the beginning of the aging process. That is why cosmetologists strongly advise all women, in addition to morning and day creams, be sure to use a cream with UV protection. In addition, many people are familiar with the problem of rosacea (a disease associated with the appearance of spider veins and dilated capillaries on the skin due to circulatory disorders). It greatly spoils the appearance and delivers psychological discomfort. You can cope with this scourge only with the help of medical hardware cosmetology (photocoagulation), due to which the quality of life of the skin changes: the dryness and hypersensitivity of the face disappear, sharp changes in skin color disappear with temperature changes.
Here is another actual example - not only women, but also men turn to cosmetologists to get rid of skin pigmentation, which appears after a rest in hot countries. That is, we are talking not only about beauty and youth, physical health also depends on our psychological comfort.
Ideally, an individual facial skin care program is a must for a woman. Unfortunately, too many of them believe that applying cream in the morning and evening is enough. Alas, this rule is valid at best up to 25-27 years. In addition, too little attention is paid to the proper selection of creams. Often women are guided by advertising or advice of friends or price factor. However, if a care product is good to your sister, mother or colleague, this does not mean that it will work for you. And the cost of the box does not always indicate the quality of the contents.
You must take into account all the individual characteristics of your skin when select the cream. In cosmetology, there are four types of the skin: dry, oily, normal and combined. And the last three types are often confused.
The main symptom of oily skin is increased sebum secretion and oily sheen, while the skin looks bad, pores are enlarged. Oily skin is prone to the appearance of comedones and blackheads, but small facial wrinkles appear on it relatively late.
Dry skin is the opposite of oily. Fat secretion is reduced, the skin does not shine, but has a matte shade, often flakes off. Dry skin is more thin and tender, but wrinkles appear on it faster, sometimes up to 30 years.
Normal skin is the golden mean, which is quite rare. In this case, sebaceous excretion is moderate, the skin can shine, but only in the T-zone, the pores are usually small and also expanded only in the central part of the face. Usually, this type of skin is resistant to external and internal factors, its condition is even throughout the year.
Combined skin combines the features of the above three types. For owners of combined skin, the pores in the T-zone can be enlarged, sebaceous excretion is increased in some areas of the face, comedones and acne occur periodically.
The combined skin, as well as fat, is not inclined to early aging. To properly care for normal skin, it is enough to follow the usual rules. But the owners of dry and oily skin is better to seek advice from a specialist. The recommendations from the Internet can only make it worse. For example, a woman with oily skin, who will begin to intensively use drying seboregulatory creams, runs the risk of overdrying the epidermis, without solving the main problem. With dry skin there is a risk of seriously injuring her if you actively use peeling.
When should I start visiting a beautician?
From 30 years of age at least once a month. Since it is scientifically proven that from 25-27 years in the female skin decreases the amount of collagen and it begins to age. At the age of 30+, a nursing medical apparatus cosmetology is necessary to maintain healthy skin. At the same time, you can begin to think about the injection component. Of course, if there are indications for this. There is such a thing as a genetic type of aging: for example, in the family there is an early pronounced descent of the nasolabial fold. The 25-year-old girl addresses this problem to us. Or another example: a young woman of 28-29 years old comes with a very active facial expression, because of which she already has crow's feet around the eyelids, and inter-brow wrinkles, and longitudinal on the forehead. Of course, we will propose to use injections of botulinum toxin (the famous beauty shots of Botox) - an intramuscular drug injected into the mimic muscles in order to block their susceptibility to nerve impulses. After the injection, the entire muscle or its separate part relaxes and stops contracting. As a result, the wrinkles formed by it are smoothed out. At such a young age, the effect of a single procedure can last for several years.
Botox is so firmly established in the life of modern fashionistas that it seems to be some kind of absolutely standard procedure that can be done almost during the lunch break at work.
This is one of the most popular procedures that are now offered in beauty salons. Nevertheless, it also has limitations. For example, people who have antibodies to botulinum toxin in their bodies are immune to beauty shots: there will be no effect.
In addition, even if the procedure was successful, it is necessary to observe certain conditions: do not go to bed 4 hours after the injection, during the week you can not be in the open sun, sunbathe in the solarium, visit the bath, sauna and perform physiotherapy, massage. It is also advisable to abstain from alcohol for two weeks. And you need to remember about the side effects that may appear at the first time after the injection, for wxample. swelling. It is better to carry out the procedure when there is a couple of days ahead.
Skin care depending on age
From 20 to 27 years. What we eat, how we relax and in general, what kind of lifestyle we lead, sooner or later imprints on appearance. Therefore, it is important to work out the correct diet and sleep patterns, as well as train yourself to rest your eyes from a mobile phone and computer. Otherwise, mimic wrinkles in the corners of the eyes will appear 5-7 years earlier. Daily rule: wash off cosmetics at night, clean face skin well, use tonic and apply light cream. If you have oily, normal or combination skin, only a night cream is enough. If you have dry skin, in the morning after the washing procedure, a light day cream with an SPF content (UV protection) is necessary.
From 27 to 30. The owners of normal, oily and combined skin add day cream to the care products. You can begin to apply the mask on the face at home. There is an enviable variety among the active components of express masks. Oils, vitamins and panthenol are used to restore and strengthen the skin, antioxidants are used to combat wrinkles, peptides are used to increase skin elasticity, and chamomile, aloe and plantain extracts are used to soothe and relieve irritation.
From 30 to 40. All the same, plus age cosmetics with hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes and protects the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Many women at this age believe that it is time to switch to more expensive cosmetics. If there are no special problems with the skin and you are well aware of budget cosmetics, you should not overpay. Get care products in your wallet. Not a single cream, even the most expensive, does not cure wrinkles, does not tighten the oval of the face, does not remove the nasolabial fold. All we can get from it is moisture, nutrition and UV protection. Another thing, if the skin is capricious then, of course, you will need cosmetics more expensive than a high degree of purification with a more verified formula. Also, you should add light gommage to the treatment (gentle peeling, cleansing and renewing the skin) 1-2 times a month.
From 40 to 50. Add creams with retinoids (for active stimulation of cell renewal), and the procedure of radio lifting (rejuvenating the skin in a non-surgical manner). The indications are wrinkles and folds, enlarged pores, flabbiness of the skin, lowering of the eyebrows, presence of the second chin, overhang of the upper eyelid, swam facial contours and other skin imperfections. Preliminary preparation procedure does not require radio lifting. Modern devices include special nozzles with a recess in the center, around which are placed electrodes. During the session, a vacuum acts on the skin. In this case, it is drawn into the recess, and the device emits an electromagnetic wave. Thus, local heating of tissues occurs. In addition, electromagnetic waves destroy the molecules of the old collagen, removing its fragments from the tissues, and instead of them a new collagen is formed.
From 50 and older. At home, adhere to the daily comprehensive care, including cleansing the pores, removing dead skin, moisturizing and nourishing. To tighten sagging skin, we add current, microwave, mesotherapy, laser correction or photorejuvenation therapy to salon procedures. You can also rejuvenate your skin after 50 years using chemical peeling or alginate masks from brown seaweed.
Follow the link https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/skin-types-care and read more about a guide to taking care of your skin. Learn about https://pharmacity.net/buy-accutane-online.html, where to order Accutane tablets with the discount for treatment of severe acne. In addition, check https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/skin-care/art-20048237 and will read 5 tips for healthy skin.
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