
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Dermatitis skin care

Dermatitis is an inflammatory disease of the skin that arises from the impact on it of various internal or external adverse factors of physical, chemical or biological origin. Such factors are most often burns, stress, allergies and pathogens. Symptoms of dermatitis appear severe itching, redness, rashes, watery blisters, the formation of crusts. The damage to health depends on the etiology of dermatitis and measures for prevent development of disease. Dermatitis is part of a group of skin diseases called dermatosis.

Proper skin care is not only a preventing measure development of dermatitis, but also part of the treatment. Observing simple rules, it's often possible to reduce the need in medicines and thereby accelerate recovery.

A full and balanced diet by proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins is necessary for our skin. However, it's necessary to avoid excessive use of products histamine-liberators, which provoking release of histamine in the body. They can increase inflammation and cause a reaction similar to allergic. In case of food allergy, the culprit should be excluded from the diet.

Products with a minimum risk of developing allergies:

  •  proteins: fish (cod, sea bass), lamb, low-fat veal, tongue, liver, butter, low-fat cottage cheese.
  •  vegetable products: pearl barley, rice, zucchini, cucumber, green salad, cabbage, spinach, rutabaga, pear, gooseberry, white currant, sweet cherry;
  • drinks: compotes (from pears, apples), weakly-brewed green tea, dairy produce (without food supplements E), mineral water;
  • desserts: prunes, dried fruits (pears, apples);
If you don't find any clinical manifestations of dermatitis at using above products, then gradually, at intervals of 2 weeks, you can add one of dishes from the next group of foods.

Products with an average risk of allergy development:

  • proteins: mutton, horse meat;
  • vegetable products: buckwheat, rye, corn, potatoes, green fruit;
  • drinks: tea green, herbal decoction, juice from green apples;
  • dessert: products with a minimum amount of calories;

Products at high risk for allergies:

  • proteins: pork, fat beef, fish, caviar, milk, eggs, smoked meat, meat preserves;
  • vegetable products: sauerkraut, legumes, vegetables and berries of red color, tropical fruits, dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, figs, dates), mushrooms, pickled vegetable preservation;
  • drinks: coffee, cacao, lemonades, yoghurts with dyes;
  • dessert: chocolate, honey, marmalade, caramel;
  • other products: mayonnaise, ketchup, canned sauces, seasonings, preservatives, dyes.
Sufficient rest, full sleep, observance of daily regime are also useful for the skin, as for the whole organism. It's known that emotional stress, stress at home or at work often causes dermatitis, provoking such a painful symptom as itching of the skin.
Often, increased sensitivity of the body to house dust accompanies atopic dermatitis. Constant contact with house dust leads to exacerbation of the disease. Regular wet cleaning, proper care of a sleeping place reduce contact with allergen, thereby reducing the probability deterioration of health.

Avoid and afraid of water procedures during exacerbation of dermatitis is not worth, but they must be performed correctly:
  • daily short (10-15 minutes) bathing in the bathroom;
  • limit contact with hot water. Water temperature in the range of 32-35 C;
  • use detergents with a soft base;
  • after bathing, don't rub the skin with a towel;
Сlothes is in constant contact with the skin, so to her choice should be approached especially thoroughly. A person should give preference to natural breathable fabrics (cotton, linen, silk). Narrow synthetic things of bright colors that don't allow skin to breathe, it's better to remove from wardrobe.

Moisturizing and softening agents are actively used during exacerbation of dermatitis. They are applied to the skin regularly, at least 2 times a day, including after each bath. Nourishing the skin, they reduce dryness and itching, and also make it less sensitive to irritants and allergens.
Atopic dermatitis, which treatment and prevention includes moisturizers, has a more stable form. According to modern research, hypoallergenic cosmetics have a warning effect, so that exacerbations have less pronounced symptoms.

Dry skin of the hands, daily exposed to various irritating factors, needs help. Lipids, which are part of hypoallergenic cosmetics, restore the protective barrier and allow withstanding the effects persistently.

Seborrheic dermatitis, which treatment passes with antifungal medications, also needs to skin care products. Combining a soft moisturizing base and components that normalize the sebaceous glands, they have the necessary properties for skin.

Localization of dermatitis on the face or hands is not so important, because it's inflammation of the skin that requires attention. A timely study by a specialist and a correctly diagnosis is a half way to recovery. Proper skin care, regular use of moisturizing and therapeutic creams according to recommendations, physiotherapy and taking pills are no less important part of recovery. It's necessary to remember that dermatitis, which treatment corresponds to medicine standards, heals quickly and without complications.

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